
Customer Testimonials

Cosine is focused on results and has had the distinct pleasure of helping clients in a variety of industries overcome the issues that slowed and sometimes prevented outright success. Here’s what some of them had to say about us:

Rajshree Jain
HR Head - Voylla Fashions
Dev is solution focused, practical and extremely knowledgeable for Retail . He has been a provider of training solutions for Retail Operations for Voylla Fashions Pvt Ltd and has been instrumental in setting up training guidelines and solutions. I would recommend his services for solution based training needs. A good human being also who is always ready to provide a helping hand when you need.
Sales Lead - Ramoji Film City
This course was interesting, kept my attention and most importantly made me want to change my way of doing things. My eyes were truly opened because of what we learned, and the enthusiasm from the other participants and the instructors have inspired me to want to get out in the territory and get started. Great job…! I truly value everything we have learned! Thank you!
Indu Malani
I was his guest at one of his training sessions. I was writing an article on salesmanship, and I thought attending this training session could help me. His training session was conducted in such a confident and relaxed manner, that brought positive responses from all the trainees. By the end of the programme I felt that he was very good, and had mastered the basic principles of sales success. Their active participation after lunch break made the trainees look very confident. His message at the end was that you might think your basics are sound, but you will still need to keep your skills sharp. Today, I too feel, it is very hard to be optimistic in this economy. So I definitely recommend Dev, as a professional sales trainer. He is dedicated, committed and well versed in his job.
Manish Kumar
Sales Head - Sonovo
Thank you so much for the great training! For the first time ever my team wasn’t nervous going to customer meetings—they had a plan and knew exactly what they were going to do.
Anshul Singh
Business Head - Clovia
I believe that Dev is a good trainer and trained our staff. It was a good experience to listen him. He has very good in-depth knowledge of all filed under retail industry which is evident of his retail background. He was able to explain technical concepts in a that is very easy to understand and translatable to the product service in which we sell. I realised that through Dev’s training our staff will be able to give better customer service and addressing their needs. A big thanks and claps for Dev, I would highly recommending him to continue with us. Excellent speaker.
Praveen Kumar
Business Head - AXA Insurace
All in all this training was AMAZING!!! The presenters were amazing. They were engaging, timely, and knowledgeable. I will recommend this course to all sales professionals.
Joseph Das
I have been associated with Dev for quite sometime. I have noticed some exceptional leadership qualities in him. As a professional sales trainer he is hands on and does his due diligence. His focus is on excellence and not perfection. Willingness to learn and evolve is another quality which is so rare now. He is an intent listener and came to me as a person who speaks less and observes more. Filled with quiet confidence he is not only self assured and secured but also someone who is willing to share and care for his trainees and colleagues. Focused and an effective communicator wearing a smile all the time makes his affable and approachable every time. A person who honours his words and takes his work seriously makes him the most sought after retail sales trainer in India. I look forward to take my relationship deep with him as he is a wealth of training knowledge, industry specifics and performance oriented professional.